Building a sustainable environment

We are passionate about environment, sustainability, community and connection.

In late 2017, Council engaged with the community on a fantastic new initiative to develop a community garden in Glen Eira.

Community gardening received high levels of support from across the community, from a broad range of age groups and suburbs. Based on this feedback, we held a community workshop in June, which explored what a community garden initiative would look like at Moorleigh Community Village in Bentleigh East.

The workshop:

    • explored models for how a community garden could look;
    • looked at the options for locating a garden at Moorleigh Village, where and how it could be run; and
    • collected expressions of interest from members of the community who may be interested in participating in a working group to develop the project, including the design and management arrangements.

We are committed to fostering the health and wellbeing of Glen Eira residents and funding has been set aside for the establishment of a community garden as part of the 2018–19 Draft Budget.

In addition to this, we currently run a range of free sustainability programs for our community, including the Neighbourhood Sustainable Gardening Program; which offers residents, schools, community groups and businesses regular gardening tips and information, as well as regular invitations to Council’s free gardening events, tours and workshops.

Click here to view further information about community gardening in Glen Eira.

Click here to view further information about Council’s Neighbourhood Sustainable Gardening Program.