
While care has been taken in the preparation of this website and the pages that are included in it, Glen Eira City Council takes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided.

The information in this website is of a general nature. Web users should make their own, direct enquiries rather than rely on the contents of this website. No responsibility is accepted for loss arising from reliance on the contents of this website. Similarly, Glen Eira City Council does not accept any liability for any statements or any opinion, or for any errors or omissions contained herein.


Glen Eira City Council has developed its Annual Report 2017–2018 to ensure content is available to the widest possible audience, including readers using assistive technology or accessibility features. By adhering to guidelines for accessibility web design, we acknowledge the diversity of communication methods, available technologies and abilities of web-users in the community.

Glen Eira City Council strives to comply with W3C’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

If you require assistance with any pages or content within our website Annual Report 2017–2018, please contact us.


If you would like a section of this document translated into your preferred language, contact Council’s Media and Communications Unit on 9524 3333.